1st Grade VS College

I been thinking a lot about how hard life is getting. No one said life is easy, and if they do say that, then they are doing something wrong. Think back to the good ol 1st grader days. My elementary school required a dress code of only wearing navy blue, navy green, khaki, and white. I walked into school not worrying about what other people were wearing, or the latest fashion. I was able to walk in not worrying about how my hair looked or wearing make up. We weren't judged as much as we are now as adults. We didn't have to worry about who was dating who, who was cheating on who, or who is the most popular. We were careless little kids who ran around the playground, getting dirty, and doing what little kids do best. College. Girls are the worst. We can all admit that we get jealous of each other at times because she looks gorgeous today and i look like i just crawled out of bed. Boys think we look sick when we don't wear mascara ( i have had guys tell me i look asia...