Miss Independent

I, Megan Brown, am known as someone super social, "Queen of Social Media, friendly, caring, and loved. I like to post my life so that my family can see i am doing well, so that friends can see that college is fun, and for my pleasure of seeing that i am having fun. Lately this has not been the situation. This post may seem sappy, but this is my current life! Not everyone lives a perfect life, and a lot of people think I live a perfect life....I WISH! My life is beyond from perfect. Lately i have been worrying about making others happy, rather than myself happy. I try too hard to fit in, and i shouldn't have to try at all. So i made the bold decision to delete my Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, not forever, but until i find my happiness. On Snapchat, i constantly see groups of friends together having fun, and myself not being invited i tend to get jealous and wonder why i wasn't invited? This semester has been a lot of me asking what people are up-to, and then they ...