Miss Independent
I, Megan Brown, am known as someone super social, "Queen of Social Media, friendly, caring, and loved.
I like to post my life so that my family can see i am doing well, so that friends can see that college is fun, and for my pleasure of seeing that i am having fun.
Lately this has not been the situation.
This post may seem sappy, but this is my current life! Not everyone lives a perfect life, and a lot of people think I live a perfect life....I WISH!
My life is beyond from perfect. Lately i have been worrying about making others happy, rather than myself happy. I try too hard to fit in, and i shouldn't have to try at all.
So i made the bold decision to delete my Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, not forever, but until i find my happiness.
On Snapchat, i constantly see groups of friends together having fun, and myself not being invited i tend to get jealous and wonder why i wasn't invited? This semester has been a lot of me asking what people are up-to, and then they invite me, but if i never did that, then i can tell you i have maybe received 5 texts total to come "hang out", this whole semester "3 months".
I been thinking a lot.. what is wrong with me? Am i not fun enough? Im told I'm fun! Am i not pretty enough? I try to look good! I feel like I'm not enough.
Snapchat can be degrading, so thats why i deleted it.
I deleted Instagram because i see my girl friends posting pictures with my other girlfriends, and I'm like "what the heck....I have been trying to coordinate a picture with them forever now!"
Twitter is just another social media thing that i wanted to delete... just because i am not on it often.
I am keeping Facebook though because i do have a online distributor job (Lipsense), so i will try to only use Facebook for business.
I need to focus my life more on the church, reading my scriptures, and praying.
I need to pass my finals...school and church come first.
If i have social media in my life, and i am too caught up in others lives, then i won't get anything done because i will continue to make myself upset, and MEGAN BROWN DOESN'T NEED TO BE DEPRESSED!
Have you ever felt alone in a crowded room of 20 people? Do you walk in and no one greets you or talks to you besides 2 people? It was the biggest brick on my shoulders, of not feeling wanted. As i sat there... i realized i wasn't happy!
Megan Brown isn't happy...WHAT? SHE IS ALWAYS HAPPY!
Have you ever heard the saying "The happiest people are usually the ones that hurt the most"?
My life is about to change for the better.
I don't have social media that will make me upset.
I am going to focus more on school
I am going to focus on myself
I am going to focus on my happiness
I am going to focus more on my family
I am going to focus more on the church
Out of all this, i hope to become a better person, not for others, but for MYSELF!
If people want me, they know how to reach me.
But this girl is about to kick BUTT at finals, and then go home to family in Washington and spend quality time with them :)
Instead of checking social media often everyday, i am going to read my scriptures instead, or read a book, or go for a walk!
Megan 2.0 LETS GO!
Again, sorry to be sappy, but reality can be a stinker!
I hope this helps you evaluate any changes you need to make in your life to make you happier! Are you super sucked into social media? Are you relying on other people to make you happy? Are you putting your priorities first?
These are just some things to think about!
I love you all!
Happy Holidays,
Megs 2.0
PS. Take me back to Hawaii...... --------------->>>>>>>>
I like to post my life so that my family can see i am doing well, so that friends can see that college is fun, and for my pleasure of seeing that i am having fun.
Lately this has not been the situation.
This post may seem sappy, but this is my current life! Not everyone lives a perfect life, and a lot of people think I live a perfect life....I WISH!
My life is beyond from perfect. Lately i have been worrying about making others happy, rather than myself happy. I try too hard to fit in, and i shouldn't have to try at all.
So i made the bold decision to delete my Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, not forever, but until i find my happiness.
On Snapchat, i constantly see groups of friends together having fun, and myself not being invited i tend to get jealous and wonder why i wasn't invited? This semester has been a lot of me asking what people are up-to, and then they invite me, but if i never did that, then i can tell you i have maybe received 5 texts total to come "hang out", this whole semester "3 months".
I been thinking a lot.. what is wrong with me? Am i not fun enough? Im told I'm fun! Am i not pretty enough? I try to look good! I feel like I'm not enough.
Snapchat can be degrading, so thats why i deleted it.
I deleted Instagram because i see my girl friends posting pictures with my other girlfriends, and I'm like "what the heck....I have been trying to coordinate a picture with them forever now!"
Twitter is just another social media thing that i wanted to delete... just because i am not on it often.
I am keeping Facebook though because i do have a online distributor job (Lipsense), so i will try to only use Facebook for business.
I need to focus my life more on the church, reading my scriptures, and praying.
I need to pass my finals...school and church come first.
If i have social media in my life, and i am too caught up in others lives, then i won't get anything done because i will continue to make myself upset, and MEGAN BROWN DOESN'T NEED TO BE DEPRESSED!
Have you ever felt alone in a crowded room of 20 people? Do you walk in and no one greets you or talks to you besides 2 people? It was the biggest brick on my shoulders, of not feeling wanted. As i sat there... i realized i wasn't happy!
Megan Brown isn't happy...WHAT? SHE IS ALWAYS HAPPY!
Have you ever heard the saying "The happiest people are usually the ones that hurt the most"?
My life is about to change for the better.
I don't have social media that will make me upset.
I am going to focus more on school
I am going to focus on myself
I am going to focus on my happiness
I am going to focus more on my family
I am going to focus more on the church
Out of all this, i hope to become a better person, not for others, but for MYSELF!
If people want me, they know how to reach me.
But this girl is about to kick BUTT at finals, and then go home to family in Washington and spend quality time with them :)
Instead of checking social media often everyday, i am going to read my scriptures instead, or read a book, or go for a walk!
Megan 2.0 LETS GO!
Again, sorry to be sappy, but reality can be a stinker!

These are just some things to think about!
I love you all!
Happy Holidays,
Megs 2.0
PS. Take me back to Hawaii...... --------------->>>>>>>>
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