Spring Break 2017

BEST BREAK EVER. Ok, so in highschool, spring break consisted of a family vacation going to Disneyland, and 1st year of college i think i went home, and my 2nd year of college i went to St, George Utah. Those are all super fun and all.. but this year was even better. A group of friends all decided we wanted to go to NewPort Beach, California! First of all, i was STOKED! I never had went on a vacation with atlas 35 of my Best Friends. So after my friend Dustin planned everything financially, and planning who was making what meals and sleeping arrangements, we made our way to Cali! The whole week, the only thing that was getting me through school was just the thought of spending the week with my friends! Boys and girls ( i know i know, we were obedient!), and in the wise words from my friend Ammon Harris "came as friends, left as family". I slept in the living room area ( we had to take turns sleeping on the mattresses because the futons were beyond uncomfortable) and just w...