Spring Break 2017
Ok, so in highschool, spring break consisted of a family vacation going to Disneyland, and 1st year of college i think i went home, and my 2nd year of college i went to St, George Utah. Those are all super fun and all.. but this year was even better. A group of friends all decided we wanted to go to NewPort Beach, California! First of all, i was STOKED! I never had went on a vacation with atlas 35 of my Best Friends. So after my friend Dustin planned everything financially, and planning who was making what meals and sleeping arrangements, we made our way to Cali!
The whole week, the only thing that was getting me through school was just the thought of spending the week with my friends! Boys and girls ( i know i know, we were obedient!), and in the wise words from my friend Ammon Harris "came as friends, left as family".
I slept in the living room area ( we had to take turns sleeping on the mattresses because the futons were beyond uncomfortable) and just waking up every morning and seeing all my friends tired faces, with bed head and natural faces, was so awesome. It made me so thankful to be surrounded by so many friends!
The house was separated by a top floor and bottom floor, so we were all split in half, and each morning, 2-3 people were in charge of breakfast, and another set in charge of dinner. It was so fun to have everyone cook and enjoy each others company. We discovered a place called BJ's, where if you downloaded their app, you got a free mini Pazookie, so it was often we would go and get Pazookies!
Our friend Jayson proposed to his girlfriend, Ashley, and i was part of the engagement committee, and it was such a beautiful experience to watch my best friend propose to the love of his life! They are both happy and getting married May 4th!
Everyday was a beach day. We would all wake up and hit the beach. Ofcourse the 1st day we are all kinda standing around in the sand, and i see our boys all huddled up, and minutes later, we are all getting picked up and thrown in the water, I was still wearing my flannel over my swimsuit, and Brady comes over and says "you have 10 seconds to take off your flannel" and he didnt give me that time to take it off and just chucks me in the water! I got scared because i can't swim... but i survived!
~Talks walking along the beach
~Skinny Dipping (sorry mom)
~Acai Bowls
~Rap Battles
~Licking Sand
~Sand Fights
~Relay Races
~Taco Runs
~Brady and Ammon sleep with 1 eye open
Starting the first day of break, a picture was sent to our group message of me sleeping, so the whole break, whenever i fell asleep, a picture was taken of me and sent to the group.. i swear i had fun ;)

One day a good chunk of us went to Knottsberry farm, and for those of you who really know me, i get motion sickness easily. but i wanted to go! So i went.. and the first 3 rides i was OK... but then we went on one that goes up, and then intensely drops you, and that just put me out of my zone, i was going to throw up. I never did.. but i hit rock bottom, and my friend Hoku gave me some meds and that didn't help.. so after a ride i seriously couldn't stand, so i just went and laid myself on the floor... but then i got cotton candy, and everything was better!
Another day, me and some girls went to Hollywood, and it took awhile to get there, and our main goal was to get to the Hollywood Sign, as we spend an hour thinking we were going the right way, we got to the top of what we thought was the sign.. but it was the observatory.. we look behind us and the sign is there like.... forever away.... we were screaming we were so mad! So we had an hour till the sun sets, and as we are making our way to the sign, we had to go through the fanciest neighborhood with the nicest looking houses, 1 way roads, and Audi's and Mercedes Benz everywhere. We got so bored we gave each other southern names and accents, and still talk with it everyday! We found the sign and took some pictures, then found a nice outdoor mall where we went to the cheesecake factory!
I took advantage of the beautiful beach, and i just walked to the beach slowly by myself, it was sunny and beautiful, and i just took that time to really ponder! I thought about how far my life has come, where i am now, how thankful i am for everything that has happened to me, and my family, and just thoughts about how amazing life really is, and how beautiful everything is. Each morning i would get a glass of water and go out on the porch, say a little prayer of thanks and safety, and then would continue with my day!
Life is beautiful
Friends are beautiful
Challenges are beautiful
Happiness is beautiful
The whole week, i probably only did my hair 1 time, which was the last day, and so many people told me how cute i looked because my freckles were exploding all over my face, and i didn't realize how much i loved my freckles until that week, when i didn't put any make up on my face, and lived in my swimsuit and messy hair!
Be thankful for life
Be thankful for friendship
Be thankful for memories
Take Risks
Take Pictures
Take Personal Time

The whole week, the only thing that was getting me through school was just the thought of spending the week with my friends! Boys and girls ( i know i know, we were obedient!), and in the wise words from my friend Ammon Harris "came as friends, left as family".

The house was separated by a top floor and bottom floor, so we were all split in half, and each morning, 2-3 people were in charge of breakfast, and another set in charge of dinner. It was so fun to have everyone cook and enjoy each others company. We discovered a place called BJ's, where if you downloaded their app, you got a free mini Pazookie, so it was often we would go and get Pazookies!
Our friend Jayson proposed to his girlfriend, Ashley, and i was part of the engagement committee, and it was such a beautiful experience to watch my best friend propose to the love of his life! They are both happy and getting married May 4th!
Everyday was a beach day. We would all wake up and hit the beach. Ofcourse the 1st day we are all kinda standing around in the sand, and i see our boys all huddled up, and minutes later, we are all getting picked up and thrown in the water, I was still wearing my flannel over my swimsuit, and Brady comes over and says "you have 10 seconds to take off your flannel" and he didnt give me that time to take it off and just chucks me in the water! I got scared because i can't swim... but i survived!

~Skinny Dipping (sorry mom)
~Acai Bowls
~Rap Battles
~Licking Sand
~Sand Fights
~Relay Races
~Taco Runs
~Brady and Ammon sleep with 1 eye open
Starting the first day of break, a picture was sent to our group message of me sleeping, so the whole break, whenever i fell asleep, a picture was taken of me and sent to the group.. i swear i had fun ;)

Life is beautiful
Friends are beautiful
Challenges are beautiful
Happiness is beautiful
The whole week, i probably only did my hair 1 time, which was the last day, and so many people told me how cute i looked because my freckles were exploding all over my face, and i didn't realize how much i loved my freckles until that week, when i didn't put any make up on my face, and lived in my swimsuit and messy hair!
Be thankful for life
Be thankful for friendship
Be thankful for memories
Take Risks
Take Pictures
Take Personal Time
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