A Graduate
I am a College Graduate, and let me tell ya about it.
What makes life not so boring is the fact that all my roomies are getting married! I had the privilege of being a bridesmaid in Heidi's wedding, my roomie from Snow College, and WOW it made me so happy! I love weddings where you get to reunite with friends you have seen in a long time, and just talk about life, see their babies they had, listen to the fun and struggles of marriage so I can take mental notes, and then have them trying to set me up with their friends! No but really, I brag to everyone how my Snow Roomies are the best I have ever had! I also LOVE TO SNOWBOARD! But as I just started to really learn how to carve so I can go down the mountain faster and smoother, the weather has been absolutely crazy, and my car would not be able to make it up the mountain... so I hope to make it at least 3 more times before the season ends!

SO I don't know if y'all know much about what i do here for work, but I work as a Night Auditor at 2 hotels here in town, and what I do is at the smaller hotel, i work 11pm-7am and watch the security cameras and make breakfast for the guests and clean, but other than that I just watch Netflix and pray that nothing terrible is going to happen. At the larger hotel, I am doing something every hour, and i play every role. If someone calls and needs something, I am your gal! So it is important that I know everything, because quite honestly, people have some crazy requests. I get paranoid pretty easily, so part of protocol is locking the doors (THANK GOODNESS) but I do get scared that someone is gonna try and break in or rob me, which happens! I have to prepare for the worst! These jobs have definitely toughened my skin, and I now know that I do not want to be night auditor. One of the hotels here in town won't allow females to work Night Auditor, and I know hotels are wanting more male figures to work night shifts, which I understand, but us women are pretty tough ;) I did have a few scary incidents, but I am thankful for them! I won't go in to detail on here because that would be unprofessional, but long story short, I am sorry if i cant give you what you want! Especially if you are rude to me and yell at me in a language I can't understand, then I don't understand how you expect me to help you! These nights are long, and I usually go home and sleep from 7am-2pm, but try to still get up and have normal day!
I have had a lot of people lately ask me what it is like to be graduated, so I am going to give you a quick little update on what its like.
~ Social Life = Gone
~ Cedar Stinks
~ Long Nights
~ Maturing
Now I am going to go in to these a little more....
Ok my life is not THAT boring, but I will tell you that there is not much to do here in Cedar other than go on hikes and go exploring, which is AMAZING! But all of my friends are in school still, so while I want to go out and do these things, I don't want to do them alone! Being independent is great and all, but it is nice to go out and adventure with friends! There is no room for growth here in Cedar with my degree, so I am ready to move on to somewhere bigger and better (aiming for Vegas or Salt Lake City)!

2. Social Life= Gone
Maybe I am over exaggerating, but I miss my social life. Like I said before, all my friends are in school, and I am a Night Auditor at 2 hotels, and on call at another, and I nanny on the side SURPRISE! No one knew i accepted a nanny job. Why? Before when I was desperate for a job after all my plans fell through, I randomly signed up for Care.com, got nothing, and then when I started working at the hotels, I got a random email from someone who was interested in me. As sketchy as these sites can be, I had a really good feeling about this lady. Even though I am busy with work, it is mostly at night when i am working, and all I do throughout the day is sleep, gym, or go do fun stuff like clean my room or my car! After going through with the interview, she decided to hire me, and so far I have absolutely loved taking care of these children! They are 4,8, and 12, and I never had brothers, and i have a nephew who is almost 2, so taking care of boys has been so different, but so much fun! I play Cowboys and Indians all the time, and try to have an imagination that these boys have! I sit back and watch them play, and always think to myself "oh the imaginations we have as children"!! I love being a nanny and staying busy! It brings my heart so much joy being in this families life, because they treat me as family! Anyways, i TRY to obtain a social life, but i still reach out to my friends to go grab a drink or lunch, and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but even if I get 1 hour with someone, it still makes me happy inside to know that my friends are taking time out of their day to catch up with me! The other week I went for a drive with a friend, and its crazy how much our lives change in over 2 weeks without seeing them! But I am SO GRATEFUL for friendships that still exist even though you go awhile without talking!
It was also fun because i helped my best friend campaign on campus for an executive position, and so I got to see old faces and reunite with friends i hadn't seen in a few months, and it kept me busy all week, and it brings my heart so much joy in knowing I am helping someone, even though I don't have to, but I want to because I care about my friends, and I love to stay busy!
3. Cedar Stinks
I only say this because there is not much growth for me here with my major, so long story short, I hope to end up in Vegas or SLC! I actually love Cedar, but my time has come to an end and I am ready to move on!
4. Long Nights
SO I don't know if y'all know much about what i do here for work, but I work as a Night Auditor at 2 hotels here in town, and what I do is at the smaller hotel, i work 11pm-7am and watch the security cameras and make breakfast for the guests and clean, but other than that I just watch Netflix and pray that nothing terrible is going to happen. At the larger hotel, I am doing something every hour, and i play every role. If someone calls and needs something, I am your gal! So it is important that I know everything, because quite honestly, people have some crazy requests. I get paranoid pretty easily, so part of protocol is locking the doors (THANK GOODNESS) but I do get scared that someone is gonna try and break in or rob me, which happens! I have to prepare for the worst! These jobs have definitely toughened my skin, and I now know that I do not want to be night auditor. One of the hotels here in town won't allow females to work Night Auditor, and I know hotels are wanting more male figures to work night shifts, which I understand, but us women are pretty tough ;) I did have a few scary incidents, but I am thankful for them! I won't go in to detail on here because that would be unprofessional, but long story short, I am sorry if i cant give you what you want! Especially if you are rude to me and yell at me in a language I can't understand, then I don't understand how you expect me to help you! These nights are long, and I usually go home and sleep from 7am-2pm, but try to still get up and have normal day!
5. Maturing
I am turning 24 this year... WHAT 24?!!!!!!! Kinda freaking out but ya know, life.must.go.on.
I look back at my past 4 years of college and think about everything I been through and who I used to be. If I could go back 2 years and change things, I probably would! But ya know what they all say "Everything happens for a reason" and I was young and dumb, but we learn from everything!
Its hard for me to make it to church sometimes with this job, but I still go when I can, and usually it is by myself, but I have realized something. Father always told us to never bring our phones to church and of course my sister and I still would, but now when I sit in church, I now get bugged by people being on their phones! I think now "IT IS 2 HOURS YOU CAN DO IT!! I used to not think that, but it is 1 day of the week where we learn about who we are and what we stand for and reflect on the week. The church is so important to me, and living away from my parents, I found for myself that going to church is a priority for me!
I appreciate my parents so much more, I call my parents daily just to say hi, or just to tell them I wanted to see their face cause I miss them, but really, we need to appreciate our parents!
I am still maturing, but I will say I am so much better than I used to be! Shoutout to certain people that let me have long conversations with them about LIFE!
Thats the update on my life!
Life is wonderful, hard, beautiful, complicating, and a BLESSING!
K, Bye!
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