My Adoption Story
When i was 2 weeks old i was adopted into the most amazing family EVER! This was a closed adoption, meaning i couldn't know any personal information about my birth parents, and they couldn't know anything personal about me either! Our names were even confidential. My name was Melanie, my birth mom was Kelly, my dad was Archie, and my parents that raised me were Scott and Lisa! Deborah ( the one who raised me) wrote my birth mom (real name Kristina) for 9 years updating her about my progress in life, like my day to day progress growing up! The LDS Social services ( what i was adopted through) stopped sending my moms letters, and so the connection stopped for a few years. I would always ask deborah off and on about my parents, like what they were like, what the looked like, but she could only tell me so much because we only knew so little about them! All i knew was Kristina had strawberry blonde hair and my dad, Arnold, had jet black hair and is Columbian ( I am 1/4 )!
Kristina flew to Washington and as my mom and i were waiting for her, i was trying to think of how to react when i see her. It had been 19 years of not talking to her, there was so much to say but you don't know how to start the conversation! Kristina walked through the doors and my mom and i just start crying and Kristina is crying as well and Kristina and i gave each other the biggest hug ever! ( I have huge chills just typing this hahah!). This was hands down the most amazing moment to happen in my life! The first thing i noticed about her was she is my TWIN! holy moly.... and she is shorter than i thought! We walked around Seattle for a little and got breakfast and things started to be more natural in conversation, but the whole time i was just thinking this was all a dream! When we went to my home, i showed her around and we sat her down and showed her my home videos as a little lad! That was amazing, because she got to see me walk for the first time, eat as a baby, laugh, and play with my sisters, and it made me so emotional seeing that my birth mom was getting emotional seeing all my little firsts and being raised by the most amazing parents! (Currently i am crying) i am just SO blessed! We stayed up late and we all talked about my highlights throughout my life and i showed her my scrapbooks and just told stories!
My birth dad soon reached out to me when Kristina told him how she reached out to me, and i get to meet him when he flies out to come to my Graduation here from Snow! He seems like such a sweet guy and i can't wait to get to build a relationship with him!
SO! Most of you all know that i was adopted! I know its no surprise to most of you, but a lot of you have been asking about my story since i have met my birth mother, Kristina! Here we go :)

As i grew older, my senior year of high school, my parents for my graduation present gave me an album of all the letters Kristina wrote me throughout the years and included pictures of Kristina as a baby ( we look so identical as toddlers its scary! ), and some info about her, but blacked out was all the juicy detail stuff about where she lives ect! As i read through it, it made me cry! I was so ready to meet her. But with my closed adoption, i couldn't meet her legally till 21. So i wrote a letter here at college telling her about me, which is hard to do without revealing yourself too much! Well... the social services never sent it to her when they told me they did.. i was so impatient at this time! So as time went on, my family and i just went on knowing that she will reach out when she wants...
I was getting help from my dad doing an online math class and i remember seeing a friend request pop up on my screen. I didnt think anything of it because i just thought it was someone from school sending me a request. Later after we finish math i check to see who it was, and after seeing Kristinas cover photo, immediately in my head i flashed back to a picture i saw of her family from the album and immediately started sweating and crying and freaking out because my BIRTH MOM FOUND ME! so many emotions were flooding me! So i ran upstairs telling my mom what had happened! I waited after accepting and what seemed like forever, Kristina had posted on my wall telling me she tried messaging me! I later got the most amazing message from this lady who was my mother!! We talked on messenger till super late at night getting to know the basics about each other, later that night as we talked, she bought a plane ticket to Washington! In my head i was like "What on earth is happening right now!? Is this really happening or is it a dream?" So i call my friend and was like "You will never believe what just happened!" I'M MEETING MY BIRTH MOM IN 3 WEEKS!

Our last day together, it was just her and i and i took her around Poulsbo and showed her where i went to school, went to church, and where i had worked! It was fun to bond with her and realize how much in common we had! We then drove to Silverdale and went shopping! She also has a love for make up and hair, and we went to MAC to get some lipsticks, and the lady asked if we were mother daughter, and we said yes! We just met today! The MAC lady completely lost it and loved our story! As they were matching a lipstick to me, i got matched to the exact same lipstick that Kristina wears! How freaking weird is that! We kept getting asked if we were related! What a cool feeling! But people also say i look like my mom, Deborah, so its a win- win! We got to talk on a more personal level about her life as a teenager and what she was like, and i was able to tell her about mine and what all i had been through and she told me some great advice and stories! She also loves Starbucks, so thats pretty sweet :).

I also got to see Kristina when she flew out here to Utah, she had asked if me and my friend Dave wanted to come up and hang out! So we drove up and met her at Cafe Rio and i got to meet her husband! Her husband and Dave couldn't stop looking at us because we look so much alike! Things are becoming more natural with our relationship and am so so so thankful that things turned out the way they did!
I love my family. My parents, Brad and Deborah, seriously are the best. They have raised me to become the most honest, faithful, and loving person. Without them, i don't know what type of person i would be. Though we have hit rough patches together, they made me stronger. They have taught me to love the gospel, make lasting friends ( they knew which friends wouldn't last, even when i didnt believe them, they were right!). Being here at college makes me realize how much i love my parents. There is a poem i will attach that hung in my room back at home, and its amazing. I never told my parents "I love you" as much as i should have throughout high school, but now i make sure to say it more often when i talk to them! My family is my everything, and I'm glad it has extended this past year, and can't wait to meet the other family i have, and build strong relationships! God has worked wonders for me, and i know he has an amazing plan for me :).
Thats my story folks!!
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