Park City Shenanigans
I apologize, I realize it has been quite some time since i have updated my blog... but here I am now to update you on what has been going on since I have finished school!
This fall I will be a Senior at Southern Utah University, and I am continuing with my major of Hotel Resort & Hospitality Management! This is where my blog comes in to play!
I accepted a summer internship at the Marriot Vacation Club in Park City, Utah, and this is where I have the opportunity to see if this major is the one for me. I started my internship May 1st, and my first month was amazing. Here are some reasons why I love my job so far:
1. Everyone on staff cares SO much about every customer.
2. We learn to make relationships with customers, and make sure we go out of our way to satisfy every need they have.
3. We get yelled at by customers quite a bit.. but every moment like this is a great learning experience.
4. Some of the customers become your best friends.
5. Everyday is different
Those are just a few reasons, but the first week was terrible. We all had to sit for 8 hours a day the first week doing training, and learning the system. The system seemed SO hard to learn, and i didn't think i was going to be able to navigate through the system quick enough, and check someone in quick enough, and remember every step to check-in, but now after practice i feel like i am a natural. I am learning everyday something i do wrong, but every wrong is the time to make it right and perfect!

Ok enough about my job... i will make a different blog about that later... PARK CITY!
Have you ever been to Park City? If not... COME! Park City is BEAUTIFUL!
Park City is full of bike riders, runners, hiking trails, and home of the 2002 Winter Olympics! So we have the Olympic Training Center where you can come observe, and we have the alpine slides, zip-lining, rafting, golfing, the list goes on! I haven't done any of this yet, but I have some friends that plan on coming up to do all that with me :)
This is also the first time I am living completely alone.... completely as in no family, no friends, me, myself, and I in a studio apartment, taking care of myself. I workout, grocery shop, retail shop, cook, and come home to no one, but my fish, Swim Shady. I got Swim Shady because as much as i love laying in bed and cooking food for myself for the week, i have no one to talk to! So i went to the local pet store and got a pretty blue and red Beta fish, and i have kept him alive for 3 weeks now!
Living alone has been a very good learning experience for me. Last summer i lived with my sister in Northern Utah, and the summer before that i was home in Washington State working, so this summer i don't have my parents to tell me what to do all the time, or when to go to bed, or i don't have my sister telling me to text her when i get home. I have myself to say when i should go to bed, when i should eat, when should i travel to go see friends in different parts of Utah since gas is expensive.
I actually enjoy it, but get home-sick because i know my family is all busy doing their own thing, so sometimes when no one answers their phones, yeah i get a little butt hurt, but its life!
I also had a 16 year old buy my meal at Wendy's, and the cashier gave me a card that the 16 year old wrote his number on, then when i pulled out the kid was laying on his car serenading me....
Its also fun to see what friends come in and out of my life. This summer i have noticed how certain people reach out to me and want to actually make plans, then i have other friends who i feel like i won't talk to or see again, but at this time in my life, your real friends will make time for you, and you shouldn't worry about the people that don't make time for you. I will be 22 here in September, and I've learned that the ones that care, will reach out, and to not worry about who has unfriended you, because quite honestly, if they drop me as a friend... their loss;)
Thankfully i have had fun meeting up with friends and having fires, random adventures, and just good long talks!
My friend Chase got married, which brought our friends together again, and about 5 of my other friends got engaged, so this year will be wedding filled!
I also have the cutest nephew, Liam, who i get to see every week when i come to do laundry at my sisters, and he just SWOONS me!
Ive loved almost every moment of living here in Park City, and will try to post a few more blogs about it and what other adventures i embark on before the summer is over, because i already know i am missing a lot!
I love you all SO much, and thank you all for the love and support y'all show me, and thank you to my friends who reach out to me, it really means a lot to me how many friends i TRUELY have!
I apologize, I realize it has been quite some time since i have updated my blog... but here I am now to update you on what has been going on since I have finished school!
This fall I will be a Senior at Southern Utah University, and I am continuing with my major of Hotel Resort & Hospitality Management! This is where my blog comes in to play!

1. Everyone on staff cares SO much about every customer.
2. We learn to make relationships with customers, and make sure we go out of our way to satisfy every need they have.
3. We get yelled at by customers quite a bit.. but every moment like this is a great learning experience.
4. Some of the customers become your best friends.
5. Everyday is different
Those are just a few reasons, but the first week was terrible. We all had to sit for 8 hours a day the first week doing training, and learning the system. The system seemed SO hard to learn, and i didn't think i was going to be able to navigate through the system quick enough, and check someone in quick enough, and remember every step to check-in, but now after practice i feel like i am a natural. I am learning everyday something i do wrong, but every wrong is the time to make it right and perfect!

Ok enough about my job... i will make a different blog about that later... PARK CITY!
Have you ever been to Park City? If not... COME! Park City is BEAUTIFUL!
Park City is full of bike riders, runners, hiking trails, and home of the 2002 Winter Olympics! So we have the Olympic Training Center where you can come observe, and we have the alpine slides, zip-lining, rafting, golfing, the list goes on! I haven't done any of this yet, but I have some friends that plan on coming up to do all that with me :)
This is also the first time I am living completely alone.... completely as in no family, no friends, me, myself, and I in a studio apartment, taking care of myself. I workout, grocery shop, retail shop, cook, and come home to no one, but my fish, Swim Shady. I got Swim Shady because as much as i love laying in bed and cooking food for myself for the week, i have no one to talk to! So i went to the local pet store and got a pretty blue and red Beta fish, and i have kept him alive for 3 weeks now!

I actually enjoy it, but get home-sick because i know my family is all busy doing their own thing, so sometimes when no one answers their phones, yeah i get a little butt hurt, but its life!
I also had a 16 year old buy my meal at Wendy's, and the cashier gave me a card that the 16 year old wrote his number on, then when i pulled out the kid was laying on his car serenading me....

Thankfully i have had fun meeting up with friends and having fires, random adventures, and just good long talks!
My friend Chase got married, which brought our friends together again, and about 5 of my other friends got engaged, so this year will be wedding filled!
I also have the cutest nephew, Liam, who i get to see every week when i come to do laundry at my sisters, and he just SWOONS me!

I love you all SO much, and thank you all for the love and support y'all show me, and thank you to my friends who reach out to me, it really means a lot to me how many friends i TRUELY have!
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