I think I have made it clear that I am terrible at being consistent with this whole blogging thing, but its about to get so much better...
So in the last blog, I bragged about how amazing the Desert was to me! Hands down the best summer of my life, and I wish I could go back.... but I cant. I can. But I will explain why I cant.
Life in the Desert is great and all, but there is nothing to do, because majority of the people that live there, moved there to retire. There is a lot of shopping (super expensive strip of stores) or a 2 story mall which is nice, and lots of places to eat, but no one there was my age. I went to church one Sunday, and it was just rows of old people and wheelchairs, and I met 1 girl that was 21 visiting her grandma. It was too small of an area that they didn't have a ward for the young single adults. It's a good thing I was close with the people I worked with, or I don't know what I would have done with myself when I had days off of work. I loved the people I worked with because they liked to go out and have fun, and knew exactly where to go. Anyways, if i had to go back to the Desert for short term employment I would, but I personally would not rather work there for more than a year, I would rather live someone more populated with my age, and things to do. LA and Disneyland were about 2 hours to drive. Bummer.
I am a College graduate! I graduate officially in May with my Bachelors of Science Degree in Hotel Resort & Hospitality Management, and I finished in December, but SUU only has 1 commencement in May, so I am here in Cedar City till then working 2 hotel jobs. This wasn't my ideal plan, I had other plans to go work up North in Utah, but everything fell through, and as disappointed as I was, I had to learn to realize that this happened for a reason... and I am still unsure of that reason! At least I am working within my field of study though!
Honestly, I haven't been the happiest! As fun as being done with school can be, there is more time for reflection on my future, myself. and where things are going! I miss having a social life. I still do, but I feel like everyone has forgotten about me. Yes, I work a lot, but I have days where I don't, but those days all of my roomies are at school, so the only other option I have is trying to obtain my social life through church. Not a bad thing! But church is only on Sunday, activities are Mondays, and I work Monday's, so I really am trying! It's just hard watching everyone go to classes and school functions together, and I am officially an adult, so I do have to get used to it, but I don't like being as independent as I am right now. It would be pretty awesome to have a boyfriend right now, but lets be real, the ratio of girls to boys in Cedar is like.....3:1. Every cute guy is engaged or married, or the boys are super great, but I am not good enough for them! I know girls are complicating, but MAN BOYS ARE COMPLICATING! I won't elaborate anymore, but people always ask me about my dating life, so there you have it. I am trying!

I went home for Christmas, and that was fun being with the family again and seeing my Gramps, but also it was a hard time, because as most of you know from my families posts, my nephew, Kayden passed away 22 hours after birth, and that was very hard for everyone. I already wrote about it on my Facebook, so I will let you go read that! But I am very grateful for everyone who has supported me and my family during this hard time. Stacie and David deserve the world, and I love them so much! God is a funky guy sometimes with his plan for us!
I am 98% recovered from my Snowboarding incident that happened to me a week before Christmas, but that other 2% is just a motion that still hurts a little, but other than that I am very mobile! What happened was I went Snowboarding with a good friend of mine, and he loves one particular chair lift, and I learned how to board off that lift, and I had been off this lift with him the last time we went boarding, so I didn't think anything of it! I did know that this lift doesn't slow down unless you tell them to, and its a steeper landing hill than the other chair lift, but still.... I was fine! After discussing with him on the lift how awesome of a day we were both having, we go to get off the lift, and my board decided to turn on me getting off, and it twisted my knee around and I went down hard, screamed, and my friend came over and unstrapped me and helped me over to the table, and thinking I was ok, I wasn't. I had to get a sled ride down the mountain, strapped in like I was a dead body, and got evaluated. After going home and getting an MRI, I ended up tearing my Tibia, bruising my bone, and injuring my ACL. It was tragic, I could hardly walk. Thank goodness for great friends, my friend drove my car home, piggy backed me up the stairs, and he even took all the pictures I posted without me asking, because he wanted to document what happened, and obviously he knew me well because I am glad he took the pictures! I document everything, because without pictures, you don't have memories! I should be back on the slopes in February, and when I go with him, I will never ride Chair 5!!

That is my life!
Like I said, I am going to be much better about posting, because as interesting as my life can be, it not only informs you on what I am up to, but it lets me go back and reflect on my progress, and be better about journalism.
Love you all!
So in the last blog, I bragged about how amazing the Desert was to me! Hands down the best summer of my life, and I wish I could go back.... but I cant. I can. But I will explain why I cant.
Life in the Desert is great and all, but there is nothing to do, because majority of the people that live there, moved there to retire. There is a lot of shopping (super expensive strip of stores) or a 2 story mall which is nice, and lots of places to eat, but no one there was my age. I went to church one Sunday, and it was just rows of old people and wheelchairs, and I met 1 girl that was 21 visiting her grandma. It was too small of an area that they didn't have a ward for the young single adults. It's a good thing I was close with the people I worked with, or I don't know what I would have done with myself when I had days off of work. I loved the people I worked with because they liked to go out and have fun, and knew exactly where to go. Anyways, if i had to go back to the Desert for short term employment I would, but I personally would not rather work there for more than a year, I would rather live someone more populated with my age, and things to do. LA and Disneyland were about 2 hours to drive. Bummer.
Honestly, I haven't been the happiest! As fun as being done with school can be, there is more time for reflection on my future, myself. and where things are going! I miss having a social life. I still do, but I feel like everyone has forgotten about me. Yes, I work a lot, but I have days where I don't, but those days all of my roomies are at school, so the only other option I have is trying to obtain my social life through church. Not a bad thing! But church is only on Sunday, activities are Mondays, and I work Monday's, so I really am trying! It's just hard watching everyone go to classes and school functions together, and I am officially an adult, so I do have to get used to it, but I don't like being as independent as I am right now. It would be pretty awesome to have a boyfriend right now, but lets be real, the ratio of girls to boys in Cedar is like.....3:1. Every cute guy is engaged or married, or the boys are super great, but I am not good enough for them! I know girls are complicating, but MAN BOYS ARE COMPLICATING! I won't elaborate anymore, but people always ask me about my dating life, so there you have it. I am trying!

I went home for Christmas, and that was fun being with the family again and seeing my Gramps, but also it was a hard time, because as most of you know from my families posts, my nephew, Kayden passed away 22 hours after birth, and that was very hard for everyone. I already wrote about it on my Facebook, so I will let you go read that! But I am very grateful for everyone who has supported me and my family during this hard time. Stacie and David deserve the world, and I love them so much! God is a funky guy sometimes with his plan for us!
I am 98% recovered from my Snowboarding incident that happened to me a week before Christmas, but that other 2% is just a motion that still hurts a little, but other than that I am very mobile! What happened was I went Snowboarding with a good friend of mine, and he loves one particular chair lift, and I learned how to board off that lift, and I had been off this lift with him the last time we went boarding, so I didn't think anything of it! I did know that this lift doesn't slow down unless you tell them to, and its a steeper landing hill than the other chair lift, but still.... I was fine! After discussing with him on the lift how awesome of a day we were both having, we go to get off the lift, and my board decided to turn on me getting off, and it twisted my knee around and I went down hard, screamed, and my friend came over and unstrapped me and helped me over to the table, and thinking I was ok, I wasn't. I had to get a sled ride down the mountain, strapped in like I was a dead body, and got evaluated. After going home and getting an MRI, I ended up tearing my Tibia, bruising my bone, and injuring my ACL. It was tragic, I could hardly walk. Thank goodness for great friends, my friend drove my car home, piggy backed me up the stairs, and he even took all the pictures I posted without me asking, because he wanted to document what happened, and obviously he knew me well because I am glad he took the pictures! I document everything, because without pictures, you don't have memories! I should be back on the slopes in February, and when I go with him, I will never ride Chair 5!!
That is my life!
Like I said, I am going to be much better about posting, because as interesting as my life can be, it not only informs you on what I am up to, but it lets me go back and reflect on my progress, and be better about journalism.
Love you all!
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