Later that night we went to Denny's (1:30 AM) and we all wore our finest apparel, wearing our robes and swimsuits inside! This was one of the first most fun nights I've had in awhile! That next day they invited me over for dinner, and games after we went to church! I sat there realizing how thankful i am for friends. Friends complete me!
If you haven't realized yet, this is more of just diary posts... nothing too crazy. But i like doing this :)
SOMEONE turned on our heater in the apartment to 90 degrees, so i wake up in the middle of the night and turn it off... SO we all wake up and later that day we all realized that we all woke up sweating our tails off and laughing at how no one was willing to get up out of bed and turn off the heater, so i did! Random.. i know. BUT having roomies to laugh with about stupid stuff like that, is just fun!
Friendly. Rememberable, Invasive (in a good way), Everlasting, Nice, Daring, Sisters.

I met even more friends this past week! A girl from my English class, Lauren, invited me to go to a cabin with her and some friends and it was SO fun! We played games and watched movies, and i was able to meet more amazing people! These past 2 weeks i have just been flooded with love and support! I have friends who help me with classes that i struggle in, and have been blessed with awesome tutors who deal with my complicated self!
Anyways, Snow College is amazing everyone! The friends here are over the roof amazing, and the memories will stick with you forever! I am so thankful for everyone i have met here at Snow College, and hope that they are friendships that will continue forever!
One one last note: If you haven't noticed yet, i take a lot of pictures! My roomies call me a "Basic White Girl" because of multiple reasons, but one of the main ones is because i am always taking pictures. I like taking pictures with people and at events because pictures are worth 1000 words! Seriously if you ask me about any picture i have posted, i will give you 1000 worlds about that picture! I value pictures so much because in 20 years you won't remember certain people or events, but with pictures, you can look back and smile and talk about those memories! Whether they were good or bad, it was worth the picture and there was a reason it was taken! I love cherishing memories, so will take pictures whenever and wherever with whomever i want! TAKE PICTURES PEOPLE! Lets make those memories last :)
I love you all, and thank you all for being my friend! Be friends to other people, and learn to love everyone you meet! Everyone is so different, and i love meeting and learning to love different people!
Thats all for now!
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