Overcoming Trials : Sunday Lesson
Hey guys!
I am SO excited to start blogging! I been telling myself i need to do this for awhile.. and i would type here in there on Microsoft word, but never thought about blogging for others to see! So i am gonna give this a shot!
I was given the most amazing lesson in Relief Society on trials. We all go through trials, big or small, and sometimes there are things that just need to be heard and taken in! I have gone through some trials this past year, and i am thankful for each and every one of them, even though they were the hardest to go through!
A year ago yesterday (Jan 16) i lost one of my closest friends, Nathan McBride, while he was serving a LDS mission in Merida Mexico. Nathan was amazing. He was a constant reminder to me that i need to pray and read my scriptures everyday, and do things each day to better myself. Nathan and i met at EFY (Especially For Youth) church camp my 8th grade year. Ever since, we have kept in touch for 5 years! I would go to state track meets that my sister, Kristin, would always qualify for because he would be there! We would also face time here and there, and write each other letters. He was so awesome and quirky! Quirky because he would always spray his letters with cologne so that i would never forget what he smelled like! As he left for his mission, i was upset because my best friend was leaving! So my dad drove me half way to Pasco (5 hours from me in Poulsbo) and we met Nathan half way and i ventured around Pasco with him! I spent the night and attended his farewell, which was awesome! I knew this kid would always be my best friend and best example! He was going to be the best missionary! That night we shared our tears, but knowing everything would be ok! So he left for his mission, and we wrote each other every week, which led to emailing because it was easier. As i left for college here at Snow College, i met someone very special to me! I told Nathan about this guy and things did not go well at all. So as i dated this guy, Nathan and i discontinued the emails because i wanted him to focus on his mission. As he emailed me 3 weeks later asking me how life was going, i replied and told him how great college was going and that i was happy! Well... i replied that Wednesday (missionaries write on mondays), and that saturday, Nathan passed away.
My heart shattered.
I didn't believe it.
As i called my boyfriend at the time, he came over right after work to comfort me. My life was revolving right in front of me. i lost my BEST FRIEND! My head was thinking "Jesus why? Why now? Why him?" I was thankful for my boyfriend, Dave at the time, because i was able to vent to him and get some closure about heaven and death.
Doing some research, i prayed and read my scriptures for comfort, and i gained comfort knowing that sometimes god takes his best missionaries and has them serve for him in heaven.
A scripture came along as i was reading and it was his favorite, which is Alma 26:12 " Yea, i know that i am nothing; as to my strength i am weak; therefore i will not boast of my god, for in his strength i can do all things; yea behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
Nathan was a huge blessing to me and i know he is watching over me!
Recentlyishhhhh... my 13 month relationship ended. Lets just say i am SO thankful for this guy. He has taught me how to love, and to be honest and make myself a better person! I have goals. I never accomplished them and they never improved. For example: i wanted to workout more often to get the results i wanted. We would go to the gym and he would make me to these super HARD ab work-outs and they would kill! But he pushed me to my limits knowing i can succeed. There were moments where i would cry when he would tell me to do jumping jacks for 2 min! His family was like my family away from home. They are all so welcoming, fun, and spontaneous! We would go do fun activities with them, and i will always remember getting lost in Payson Canyon with his dad and i almost swallowed a fly that day! We even almost got arrested together! Our relationship was fun and i am grateful that he was able to be part of my life! But ya know, sometimes god throws curveballs in your life. Dave and i were/ are so weird that it makes the relationship fun! They are for a reason which is still hard to understand, but he put this guy in my life for a reason. Dave motivated me spiritually, mentally, physically, and we even started a small caramel apple business together! We would read our scriptures together and even pray! Have you ever felt like everything was going perfect, and then a curveball gets thrown? it kinda is a sucky feeling...
After we split, my mind went EVERYWHERE! Why. Why now. But then i realize that we needed this for better or worse. We are still friends, which i am so grateful for. But sometimes can be hard. I never knew what it felt like to really love someone. Telling him i loved him for the first time felt so right, and i knew he felt it too (PS. he maybe cried ;) ). In the end, he is and forever will be my friend. He gave me some of the best memories that i will never forget.
So this now brings me to todays lesson in Relief Society. We talked about how to overcome trials. These scriptures stuck out to me: D&c 6:36, Ether 12:27, and D&C 29:39. Look them up, because they are amazing.
Why are trials a thing? They are the WORST FEELING EVER! But i learned today that sometimes we have to go through a dark tunnel, and in the end you will come to see the most amazing rainbow outside. If you keep yourself depressed (like i did for awhile) you won't go anywhere! Keep yourself positive and you will come across amazing opportunities and meet more amazing people. When it comes to death, think that the person you lost, is in the best place ever (A.K.A) HEAVEN! Though i still think about Nathan on the daily, i know he is in his happy place! Though i still think about Dave on the daily also, i know he is doing amazing things and maybe we will talk sometimes, but both working towards what we want in life.
Overcoming adversity. The main way i have overcame adversity was with my families advice. They were there for me through all my trials and my mom and dad gave me some life lesson advice that has helped me through these trials. My parents are awesome, and being at college makes me appreciate them so much! PRAYER is so amazing. I never prayed as much as i do now and it gives you an amazing feeling! After saying a little prayer in sacrament today, i got major chills after saying it, and that was such a good feeling, because i know god appreciated my prayer! SCRIPTURE READING is also impacting me! I actually have this book called "A future as bright as your faith" and its just a book that has a little paragraph to read for everyday of the year! And it has some profound things in there!
Trials make you a better person. Yeah they are a huge stinker, but god has a plan for me and you!
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned :)
I am SO excited to start blogging! I been telling myself i need to do this for awhile.. and i would type here in there on Microsoft word, but never thought about blogging for others to see! So i am gonna give this a shot!
I was given the most amazing lesson in Relief Society on trials. We all go through trials, big or small, and sometimes there are things that just need to be heard and taken in! I have gone through some trials this past year, and i am thankful for each and every one of them, even though they were the hardest to go through!
My heart shattered.
I didn't believe it.
As i called my boyfriend at the time, he came over right after work to comfort me. My life was revolving right in front of me. i lost my BEST FRIEND! My head was thinking "Jesus why? Why now? Why him?" I was thankful for my boyfriend, Dave at the time, because i was able to vent to him and get some closure about heaven and death.
Doing some research, i prayed and read my scriptures for comfort, and i gained comfort knowing that sometimes god takes his best missionaries and has them serve for him in heaven.
A scripture came along as i was reading and it was his favorite, which is Alma 26:12 " Yea, i know that i am nothing; as to my strength i am weak; therefore i will not boast of my god, for in his strength i can do all things; yea behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
Nathan was a huge blessing to me and i know he is watching over me!
After we split, my mind went EVERYWHERE! Why. Why now. But then i realize that we needed this for better or worse. We are still friends, which i am so grateful for. But sometimes can be hard. I never knew what it felt like to really love someone. Telling him i loved him for the first time felt so right, and i knew he felt it too (PS. he maybe cried ;) ). In the end, he is and forever will be my friend. He gave me some of the best memories that i will never forget.
So this now brings me to todays lesson in Relief Society. We talked about how to overcome trials. These scriptures stuck out to me: D&c 6:36, Ether 12:27, and D&C 29:39. Look them up, because they are amazing.
Why are trials a thing? They are the WORST FEELING EVER! But i learned today that sometimes we have to go through a dark tunnel, and in the end you will come to see the most amazing rainbow outside. If you keep yourself depressed (like i did for awhile) you won't go anywhere! Keep yourself positive and you will come across amazing opportunities and meet more amazing people. When it comes to death, think that the person you lost, is in the best place ever (A.K.A) HEAVEN! Though i still think about Nathan on the daily, i know he is in his happy place! Though i still think about Dave on the daily also, i know he is doing amazing things and maybe we will talk sometimes, but both working towards what we want in life.
Overcoming adversity. The main way i have overcame adversity was with my families advice. They were there for me through all my trials and my mom and dad gave me some life lesson advice that has helped me through these trials. My parents are awesome, and being at college makes me appreciate them so much! PRAYER is so amazing. I never prayed as much as i do now and it gives you an amazing feeling! After saying a little prayer in sacrament today, i got major chills after saying it, and that was such a good feeling, because i know god appreciated my prayer! SCRIPTURE READING is also impacting me! I actually have this book called "A future as bright as your faith" and its just a book that has a little paragraph to read for everyday of the year! And it has some profound things in there!
Trials make you a better person. Yeah they are a huge stinker, but god has a plan for me and you!
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned :)